Fellowship Certification Program Info

Message From the Chair, CSC National Stroke Fellowship Certification Program Committee

Dear Colleague,

CSC's National Stroke Fellowship Certification Program facilitates standardization of advanced stroke training and evaluation of trainees across Canada.

Supported by input and active collaboration from all stakeholders, the CSC Stroke Fellowship Committee has developed a standardized national curriculum with training objectives, evaluation methods, learning tools, program requirements, and 3 levels of stroke certification for fellows.

• Training objectives and core competencies
• Basic program requirements 
• Evaluation methods and online learning tools
• Three levels of stroke certification for fellows tailored to their objectives
        o Stroke Certificate: 6 months
        o Stroke Expert: 12 months
        o Stroke Scholar: 24 months 
This program serves to further strengthen the excellence of stroke medicine specialty
training in Canada and it will enable fellows trained in Canada to complete their fellowship
with an official certification from the CSC.

Designation for signatory as they will appear on the diploma upon graduation:

Stroke Certificate: 6-month

Certificate of the CSC (C-CSC)
Certificat du CNC (C-CNC)

Stroke Expert/ Expert neurovasculaire: 1 year

Fellow of the CSC - Expert (FCSC-E)
Fellow du CNC - Expert (FCNC-E)

Stroke Scholar/Savant neurovasculaire: 2-years

Fellow of the CSC - Scholar (FCSC-S)
Fellow du CNC - Savant (FCNC-S)
Please access more information about the program, including a list of active fellowship
programs, via the links below.

Program Registration Information

Training Requirements and General Objectives

Curriculum and Required Exposure

Active Stroke Fellowship Programs in Canada

If you are ready to register for the program, click here.

With warmest regards,

Alexandre Poppe, MD CM FRCPC
Chair, National Stroke Fellowship Certification Program Committee


Canadian Stroke Consortium
National Headquarters

101-2275 Upper Middle Road East

Oakville, Ontario, L6H 0C3

Phone: 416-386 0844

Toll Free: 1-866-386-0844

Fax: 905-607-3163
